Monday, December 8, 2008


For the first time in almost 21 years there are no car seats or booster seats in my car.

I can't decide if that makes me happy or unhappy.

Also makes me wonder about what things were like when I was little. No car seat means that two year olds were roaming around freely in the backseat of your car. Who knows what your kids could be doing to each other while you need to keep your eyes on the road. Makes me wonder how I ever made it this far and why my brother and sister didn't just open the car door and toss me out of the car.

Guess I'm lucky to be here!


aliza said...

we managed to bother each other even while confined to booster seats. desperate times call for desperate measures!

and my mom always told us the story of how my uncle opened the door and fell out of a moving vehicle

Anonymous said...

Your brother DID fall out of a moving vehicle if I remember the story correctly, so I guess he had pity on you.

pinnyk said...

were lucky they didnt open the door and push u out :-) (aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww)

starfleetzz said...

Must have had rachmanus on you. As kids we never liked the car seats anyway.

Who Me? said...

Well, if it were me back then and there were no car seats, I just would have used duct tape. It's got sooooo many creative uses!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'm surprised that you and your sister didn't just throw your BROTHER out.

And your daughter is HOW OLD and she's just getting out now?

Who Me? said...

Actually, he did end up out of the car once...but I was nowhere near them!

And check the NYS law. Till 8 years or 80 pounds, they need to be in a booster seat.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you'll get to put it back whenever your daughter in "lakewood" comes to visit OR you could always ask Becki if you can borrow it for Reilly!