Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

How does an obsessive compulsive deal with uncertainty?

How does someone who alphabetizes their spices (ok, I don't do that anymore) deal with not knowing when a particular event will occur or how they're going to deal with it?

Maybe I should view this as a chance to become more normal.

Or maybe I should just have someone hit me over the head with a hammer and wake me up in two weeks and let me know how it all turned out.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Rant...it is
Very normal for someone who
Is waiting for something

New to happen, to obsess
Each day, thinking
When is
My long
Recording coming? It's fine,

Anonymous said...

Iam sure you will be just fine; he'll be back before you know it.

Oh, you don't mean Pinchas coming home?

Who Me? said...

y2k, very funny. I missed it completely!

Aunt A.: But how will I manage without him for so long?? Oh wait, I'm going to see him!!

Anonymous said...

No more waiting?

Anonymous said...

So do you have to rename this blog to grany's grumbles or savta's shmuzing now?

Mazal Tov!

Anonymous said...


Who Me? said...

Nah, we'll keep the blog name now that I got the pretty logo...