Monday, December 22, 2008

Will The Real Aunt Rant Please Stand Up?

Came across this by accident today:

Sounds a lot like me.

Am I the imposter or is she?


Anonymous said...

Well THAT aunt ranter hasn't posted anything since January, so I guess you scared her off.

Anonymous said...

How about the real anonymous?

aliza said...

well she was around first but your blog is way more interesting to read.

now I'm not obligated to say you're the real aunt, being that I'm not your niece, but i think I'll deem you the real one

pinnyk said...

ur the favorite aunt rant :-)

Anonymous said...

Wait, so is Aunt Anonymous also going to be Aunt Ranting? And how can they both be named Aunt Rant if they're both married? Maybe it's Aunt Rant from Arkansas!

Who Me? said... guys are so sweet!

What do you think of the new look?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pinnyf said...

wow the new look is a shock, was not expecting to see it when i loaded the page

aliza said...

i like the new header!

Anonymous said...

Who got deleted???????? Was it Pinchas? It was, wasn't it?

And I don't know if I'll be able to load the new page when I use my yeshiva internet connection (go Starbucks!) I think Aunt Rant is giving in to peer pressure from all the big boy (or big girl) blogs.

Actually, then she wouldn't have deleted Pinchas. (I'm just assuming, ya know?...)

pinnyk said...

that wasnt my comment that got deleted? y does everyone assume it was me?

Who Me? said...

Sorry guys! I have no idea what I deleted. It definitely was not on purpose.

As for the new look, the new logo was a birthday gift from The Mad Hungarian.

Makes me look more official. Me? Official? That's a laugh!

Shir Chadash said...

Because who else leaves comments that warrant deleting?

Loving the new look!