Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tick Tock: Part II

How does an impatient person deal with having to wait?

How does someone who tries to do everything immediately deal with knowing that her baby is 6000 miles away and she can't feel how warm and soft it is? How yummy it smells?

Looks like I'm just gonna have to deal with it.

Should be easy. Being a grandmother is way more fun that being a mother!


Anonymous said...

How about the grandmother stops referring to her new girl as "it"?

Anonymous said...

I hear that you are right:

New babies are so yummy you want to eat them up. When they become teenagers you wonder why you didn't.

Grandchildren are your reward for not killing your children when they were teenagers. (Teenage does not seem to end after 19.)

You get to play with grandchildren and then give them back when they cry/ need a diaper change/ misbehave/...

or at least that's what they tell me! Enjoy them while I go play with Riley : <>

Anonymous said...

If there's one thing this blog has done, it's bring out Uncle Mogo's REAL personality!!!

We're proud of you, O Fuzzy One!!!

raizy said...

Mogo I don't think I knew you could be so mushy. How cute!

starfleetzz said...

i think that once the grandchildren start rolling around MOGO get's mushy. Now watch though, he's going to get all protective and say he's not. But we all know the truth. Deep down he really is sweet and fuzzy. Enjoy your grandpup Uncle mogo.

Anonymous said...

I never thought that talking about eating your children was soft and mushy. Did I post something else and forget about it?

Also, my sister sent me one more:
When your children are young, you put them in a box with holes in it (for their protection). When they become teenagers, you plug up the holes!

Shir Chadash said...
