Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What's Green and Fuzzy?

On the list of things I've always wondered about: How do you know when yogurt's gone bad?

And the answer is, you just do.

Perhaps the little bit of green fuzzy stuff at the top should have given me a hint. I know. Should have just tossed it then. But it was only a week past the expiration date.

But really, it's not my fault.

Because it was Cholov Yisroel yogurt. Regular yogurt would have been fine a week past the expiration date. But with Cholov Yisroel, expiration dates are arbitrary. Like they just threw a dart at a dartboard and picked a date. Saw some CY chocolate milk this past weekend on November 27th. The milk was dated December 19th.

Think I'm sticking to Shop Rite milk for now.


Anonymous said...

Deleting one of my comments makes it look like I wrote something much funnier than I actually did.

Anyway, maybe the yogurt was pistachio flavored. (Next post: Why do people think it's elegant to spell words like "flavor" and "color" with u's? Not on my invitation!!!! Sorry, no offence meant!)

aliza said...

the problem stems from the shelving in the grocery store. when a new shipment comes in, say, milk dated October, the September stuff gets shoved to the back. then at the end of October and before the November stuff comes in, you're left eating September-dated merchandise

pinnyk said...

you deleted one of yakovs comments? email it 2 me!!
and its not ur fault. its a chinuch problem ur parents raised you that as long as u scrape off the mold its still edible....and even the mold is depending on exactly how fuzzy

aliza said...

ok, ok, for those of us who might be lactose intolerant and can barely handle fresh dairy, do you need to go into such excruciating detail?

pinnyk said...

if anything that should make it easier for u not to crave dairy products

aliza said...

who said anything about craving dairy???? i try to stay away from it. but the thought of moldy yogurt-ugh....

Anonymous said...

I guess you're brother's been rubbing off on you. That's something he'd try to do also.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Aunt-Rant's brother is actually the answer to the name of the post (after he's had too much kiddush, and gone to the sink...)

starfleetzz said...

In the store I was actually told by the representative that the date is not a real date. It's only there so they can't get sued. case in point is CY heavy cream. They told us we only have 2 or 3 days from when we get it to use the cream otherwise it goes bad. How's that for bad product.

Shir Chadash said...

I found green and fuzzy on cookies last Rosh Hashana...problem was, cookie mold = bread mold = penicillin. Was feelin' that one for two days...

And I spell words the British sometimes! Like when I type "favourite", "realise", etc.

Who Me? said...

y2k: If someone else hadn't said it, I would have. Green and Fuzzy would be my brother, with a stomach virus.

Aliza: part of the problem is the way it's handled in the stores. I would never dream of saying that cholov yisroel products are inferior. But milk that's dated December 19th, that I saw on November 27th? No way, no how.
Just not possible.

Zev is backing me up. The dates are meaningless.

And yes, I know. Mold should be a warning that I shouldn't eat it. I'm trying to learn, but with my upbringing, it's not easy.

Who Me? said...

And y2k? The yogurt wasn't pistachio flavored when I bought it. Is pistachio a flavor that develops over time?

Anonymous said...

Now, now y2k. aunt-rant's brother isn't green and fuzzy, just fuzzy.