Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Family That Sticks Together

I am such a good aunt.

I love my nieces and nephews. When they're happy, I'm happy. (Ok, maybe not as happy as they are on Purim, but that's another story.) And when they are in pain, I am in pain.

When my poor nephew will be forced to show up at a wedding in Crocs, as a good aunt, I feel it is my duty to show support and wear my Crocs, too. It will be difficult, but we wouldn't want him to feel bad, now would we?

So, all my loyal readers, let's all band together and wear our Crocs. Let us get all our friends and relatives to wear their Crocs, too. It is our sacred duty.

(And Aliza, you are family. Come crash! Just wear your Crocs.)


aliza said...

wow i'm so touched! you almost made me cry in public...

(sheepish grin)but i don't have crocs. i'm waiting till i decide what color stethosope to buy so i can have matching

pinnyf said...

Who has to wear crocs to the wedding?? But I'm for sure in. Crocs are so much more comfortable then shoes!!

Anonymous said...

Someone will have to buy me a pair first!

Who Me? said...

Aliza: Crocs come in silver. But I'm picturing you with a lime green stethescope!

Pinny: Mordy. We might all have to come in real shoes and change...

Mogo: We have an extra pair in the house that will fit you. You don't mind wearing bright orange, do you?

aliza said...

you think lime green? i'm thinking more like burgundy...

pinnyk said...

hey lime green is my color!!! no way!!!! but i cant wear them to the wedding they wont match my tie. if anybody does have burgungy tho those would match...or pink. either or :.
not that i care abt my poor brother btw. just that it would be so cool to be able to match tie and socks AND crocs? i havent done that since yom kippur! :)

aliza said...

now this is one family picture i am going to want to see. I'll be checking facebook next week!

pinnyf said...

Does anyone have pink or light blue crocs? maybe striped crocs that have both colors in it?? black crocs wont match my suit or tie

pinnyk said...

i think my mother has light blue. and i think instead of wearing crocs to show our support we should make little rubber braclets that say "i support sprained ankles" and sell them in 711

Shir Chadash said...

Brown and burgundy Crocs. They'll coordinate with his hair.

pinnyf said...

thats a great idea pinnyk maybe we can have yitzchok stand outside by the wedding selling them.

Anonymous said...

And hey, orange is MY color!!! (although I may be willing to give that up just to see uncle joey in them)

This whole family is crocked, btw. (Oh, sorry Aunt Sandy - that spells "By The Way".)

POSTED BY THE COMMISSION FO... actually, scratch that. Everyone reads this blog.

Who Me? said...

Ok, all ye of Eastern European descent...why not just bring a second tie that matches the Crocs?

Pinnyk, Uncle Rant has like brick color ones with off white straps.

y2k I KNOW what btw stands for! Just how old do you think I am?

So, what's the deal. We wearing Crocs or not?

starfleetzz said...

I don't have crocks so so far everything i have read is a load of crock. Maybe I should get a pair?

Anonymous said...

I don't care what you wear or don't wear zev, but please no showing off of legs this time.