Monday, December 1, 2008

I Am Never Leaving The House Again!!



Need I say more?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think you DO need say more.


Who Me? said...

Ok. Let's try this s l o w l y.

Teenage girl goes for a haircut. Not surprisingly, after the haircut, teenage girl notices that her hair doesn't look the same as it did before the haircut. To give credit where credit is due, it's not like she has a meltdown, but she's not a happy girl for the rest of the day. Starts cutting out coupons for shampoo that is supposed to make your hair grow faster.

It's just not something teenage girls do well with.

aliza said...

lol been there done that. tell her that all she can do is not to look at her hair for three months and then she'll notice that's it's grown longer.

and for the record, if she ever has a meltdown about it, the best thing you can do is back away slowly :)

pinnyf said...

Whos fault was it her hair got cut to short?

Who Me? said...

Bad haircuts are an issue for ALL ages and ALL genders.

Except, apparently, y2k.

Anonymous said...

Hello!!! She cut off like, 30 feet! And I am completely bald!!

pinnyf said...

aww shame y3k why did you let them cut ur hair? maybe start wearing hats

Who Me? said...

Great, Pinny. Give her something else to shop for!

pinnyf said...

She can be like a married girl wearing hats, maybe she should get a shaitel

Who Me? said...

Why don't we just shave it all off and be done with it for good??


pinnyf said...

hahaaha do it in her sleep shell freak out!!

Who Me? said...

Get in your car and drive on over.

I'll oil the clippers!

raizy said...

pin- its not totally her fault that her hair got cut to short most hair cutting laides have this stupid habit of cutting hair to short. never mind to it in her sleep do it next week

y3k- i'm sure she didnt cut off 30 ft theres no way you had that much hair to cut off

Who Me? said...

Haircuts are funny.

If you get it cut EXACTLY the way you want it, then in another month you need to go for a haircut again. Now I know guys go for haircuts every 4-6 weeks, but that's one of the perks of having a girl. You don't have to deal with never-ending haircuts.

Haircut ladies are notorious for just ignoring what you ask for and doing whatever they want.

I had one who burned my scalp with a blow dryer and said "it's gotta hurt if you want to be beautiful." Huh???

It will grow back. Mind you that her idea of bald means it's only 3 inches below her shoulders.

Meanwhile, if she's not leaving the house I guess I have a babysitter whenever I want!

pinnyf said...

Girls have it easy, you just let ur hairr grow its no big deal. guys have to make sure its not to long and it cant be to short its not easy being a guy and trying to look good.

Who Me? said...

Yes, but you do it so well!

Must be in the genes...

pinnyf said...

I wonder where we get it from?

Who Me? said...

Your dad??