Monday, December 8, 2008

Milton Bradley, Where Are You?

Spent some quality time at Toys R Us today. Boy, have things changed in the last 10 years.

I was hoping to get a board game. Shockingly enough, board games now take up only one and a half short aisles. That's it. And a good part of the games are variants of themselves: Sponge Bob Monopoly, Pink Boutique Monopoly, Harry Potter Monopoly. The selection was pitiful. What ever happened to Mille Bornes? Go To The Head of the Class?

So I headed over to the books. Surely they must have some decent books that would be appropriate for an 8 year old. Well, they do. As long as you like books that tie in with Cable TV. No Magic Tree House. No Boxcar Children. Lots of Hannah Montana. iCarly. Almost no books that didn't have major merchandising attached to it.

Don't think I'm going back there any time soon.

At least not until I get another $3.00 gift card from them.


Anonymous said...

Why waste your time in that has-been dump of a store?

Board games:

Children's book:

I'm sure you can find dozens of sources for this kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, the last time I looked, Target had a better selection of board games than Toys r us did.