Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Too late to post anything tonight, but I have tomorrow's post half written in my head.

How about you guys rant about whatever is on your mind for a change?


aliza said...

really I've got diuretics and aldosterone on the brain. but what i need to vent about is the stupidity of humanity to judge others and come to stupid conclusions without giving others a right to prove themselves. like second ear holes.

Anonymous said...

I hate my job, I'm tired, my cat is peeing all over the house, and the fed is about to mortgage my soul so that UAW and auto company magnates can continue to live in splendor. And my fee hurt. Did I mention that I hate my job?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else want Aunt Sandy back? (Nothing personal Aliza and hungarian dude)

Who Me? said...

Okay, Aliza and ReallyMadHungarian, may I introduce you to y2k, a really sweet guy and aspiring psychologist? I'm sure he'd be happy to help you work through your issues.

y2k: they're all yours!! Have a party!

aliza said...

there's a method to my madness. and that's what was on my mind right now. i gotta save the good rants for my own blog

Anonymous said...

As a male, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to write this, but...

Aunt Rant - LOL!

Who Me? said...

Guys don't say lol??