Monday, December 15, 2008

Weddings: Warning I May Get a Little Sappy

We all go to weddings all the time.

But every now and then, you get to go to a really special wedding. Where the time just flies by and suddenly you realize that you forgot to eat.

That's what it's like when it's one of yours who gets married.

But when it's two of yours who marry each other?

Wow, can't wait!

Somebody bring the tissues?


pinnyk said...

just cuz im me, i need to add some levity to the moment. sorry, but "when two of urs marry each other" just sounds so wrong...

Who Me? said...


So do I need to censor the whole post?

aliza said...

yea, i was going to warn you that marrying two of yourselves off can cause all kinds of genetic diseases. not to mention people will look at you funny

Anonymous said...

Why don't you ask the Trenks what it's like?

And yeah, it is wierd...kind of like going out with a girl and her sister.

Anonymous said...

What the heck are you talking about ("two of urs marry each other")? That statement can only go unexplained in the hill country in Alabama.

pinnyf said...

maybe there hicks then its not so weird

Anonymous said...

Don't the Bergers have come from some random down south hick state?

("Heehee, Gramma's got peanut butter stuck to her tooth!")

Who Me? said...

Hey! Gramma's got a tooth!!

(And Tom, I meant when the chosson and kallah both feel like they're your family. Trust me when I tell you my family members don't want to marry each other!)

Anonymous said...

So I guess now they ARE really both ours, but I think you actually did get to eat, at least a little.

Shir Chadash said...

Don't you knock my random hick state! That's the state that gives you CNN, Coca Cola, Gone with the Wind, the entire country's crop of peanuts...oh, and ME!