Sunday, December 28, 2008

When the Cat's Away...

So, I'm off in a few hours and leaving a guy in charge. Should be entertaining.

They spent the morning menu planning. Here's what my dearly beloved thinks he's cooking for supper every night:

Sunday: Shnitzel, with assorted sauces for dipping. Salad. Unidentified starch. Maybe fries?
Monday: Grilled Chicken, Salad, Mushroom Tart. (Mushroom Tart is leftover from Shabbos. I made that one.)
Tuesday: Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes with Peas and Onions. (There is a vegetable here, too, but they needed the menu so they could go shopping.
Wednesday: Tuna Loaf, Pasta Primavera, and some other vegetable.

Of course, all meals will start off with soup (my contribution, I left a freezer full) and will end with dessert. With plenty of burping in between.

Think they're gonna miss me? I doubt it!!


Shir Chadash said...

Can Zev and I come for dinner while I'm cramming for finals?

Anonymous said...

Tuesday: Um, peas are a vegetable?

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, continued: Come to think of it, so are onions and potatoes, but I know that you believe that potatoes being actually a mezonos food.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I'm not woried that your leaving Josh all alone in the kitchen. He'll probably end up with guests too!

Now if were me on the other hand....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if there's one man who can run a kitchen, it's Uncle Rant. Not to say that they won't miss you...even if THEY don't, Friday night just won't be the same for me.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Rant is definitely a safer bet in the kitchen than MOGO. He likes to experiment just a little TOO much.

starfleetzz said...

I have a feeling that by the end of it they will be bawling and crawling back to you begging WHEN IS MOMMY COMING HOME???

Ok, maybe not that bad but i'm sure you will be missed.

Besides, a quick call to your local Purple Pear can fix any dinner mishap.

Shir Chadash said...

Or we can come and save them in time for Friday night dinner- what should I bring?

Anonymous said...

Did everyone notice Zev's shameless advertising ploy?

Hmm, Jack meets THAT would be worth watching (or, more likely, listening to!)

Who Me? said...

If anything, I'm assuming I'm coming home to a fridge full of leftovers and 3 children who are chubbier than when I left.

Hmmm...maybe they'll appreciate me when I come home?

Nah, they're probably having a BLAST!

raizy said...

yeh, they're probably having a blst, but theres a difference to a mother and father. Plus there going to want pictures, but hopefully they'll want more